Oswy Street Memorial Cup Rules

The Oswy Street Memorial Cup is a national contest held by the North Nottingham District annually on the 2nd Saturday in October.


  1. The contest is one on six bells for teams ringing Minor methods.

  2. The entrance fee is three pounds per team.

  3. Each team must have at least four members from their home tower or organisation.

  4. No one person shall ring for more than one team.

  5. The draw for the order of ringing to take place at the time advertised.  Any team not ready to take their place as drawn shall ring after the team drawn last.

  6. Every ringer from treble to tenor shall strike three whole pulls consecutively to try for length.  Any ringer failing to set his bell at the third whole pull will incur a penalty of 5 faults for each whole pull thereafter.  A time limit of five minutes is allowed for the exercise and if exceeded a penalty of 10 faults will be incurred.

  7. Each team will be allowed a practice piece of not more than 120 changes.  The practice must not occupy more than 5 minutes or a penalty of 10 faults will be incurred.

  8. The test piece to consist of 720 changes in any true method up to 4 teams competing or 360 changes if more than 4 teams competing.

  9. Two minutes rounds are allowed before going into changes in the test piece; if exceeded a penalty of 10 faults will be incurred. Each team must stand the bells at the first whole pull after rounds in both the practice and test pieces or a penalty of 10 faults will be incurred for each bell not setting.

  10. Each team shall be accompanied in the tower by a conductor of another team to see that the test piece is rung true.

  11. The team winning the cup shall ring a different method in the next contest.

  12. The contest shall be decided by a single judge who may request the assistance of a time-keeper.  The judge’s decision is final.

  13. The Cup shall not become the absolute property of any team. It shall be returned to the Secretary after being held for one year.  Ample security and safe custody shall be given.  It is requested that the winning team have the name and date placed on a small shield by a firm of repute.

  14. The District Committee reserves the right to alter or amend any of the above rules.