With sadness, I bring news of the death of Mick Exton, yesterday, aged 90. Mick was made an Honorary Life Member of the Guild in 2000. No more details at the current time.
Congratulations to our chairman, Jim Crabtree , for being awarded the British Empire Medal in the Birthday Honour’s list for services to the community in Attenborough.
Guild AGM
Details of the Guild AGM on May 21st are as follows:
2pm – ringing
3.30pm – service
4.pm – meeting
followed by tea.
Names for tea to Geoff Wells by 14 May, 01636 706800 or .
Paperwork for meeting can be found here: http://southwelldg.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/Agenda.pdf
Covid-19 Update
We hope you are well and managing ok during this difficult time. It still seems strange to be unable to ring but fingers crossed we will all be able to return to our churches and bells in the not too distant future.
We attach guidance received from the Central Council. We will forward further information as and when received, in particular following any changes of guidance issued by the Government and the Church in future days and weeks.
When the time comes and churches start to reopen and it seems that restrictions are lifted to an extent that might allow limited ringing we would advise that you work closely with your Clergy and Church Officers to ensure that risks are understood and minimised.
You may like to look at Bishop Paul’s communication on the Diocesan website.
Peter Nix
Peter Nix of Hucknall passed away peacefully at Sherwood House residential nursing home on monday March 30th
He was founder member of the guild.
He rang his first peal for the guild on 1st July 1946 on handbells ringing Grandsire doubles on 1-2 and conducted it at Vernon House on Friar Lane.
Our bells fall silent
YouTube competition – win up to £200!
Do you enjoy trawling YouTube?
There is now an opportunity to do it and win money!
For full details see the CCCBR’s competition page ( https://cccbr.org.uk/youtube-competition/ )
Places still available for guild training!
if you want to book a place on the upcoming guild training events there are still places available.
See the event for more information.
Storm Ciara
Following storm Ciara, the Weather Vane and Spire at Bunny church have been damaged rendering the bells temporarily unringable.
At this stage, repair time is unknown.
ART News
ART Conference – Saturday 14 March
ART’s conference agenda this year includes a great line up of speakers. In a break from tradition the key-note speaker is not a ringer. Bonita Norris is the youngest person to climb Mount Everest. Her talk – Mountains of the mind – speaks about the lessons she learned on this extraordinary journey as a very ordinary person – the marginal gains, the leaps of faith, the not giving up when failure seemed inevitable. All lessons in leadership that we recognise in our own ringing world. Bonita is joined by our other key-note speakers:
- Richard Grimmett on Taking striking seriously
- Alison Hodge and Tony Crabtree on What would TripAdvisor say about your tower?
- Mark Plater (Senior Lecturer at Bishop Grosseteste University, Lincoln) on the Science and practice of motivation
A range of seminars will showcase innovative ideas and good practice from amongst the bell ringing community. Thanks to your feedback from the 2019 conference these include:
- Teaching with simulators – Steve Farmer & Chris de Cordova
- Striking it right – Colin Newman
- Starting a band from scratch – Ginette Pardoe
- Learning the Ropes Festival of Ringing – Nikki Thomas & Ruth Suggett
- The Social Media Toolkit – Alison Everett, Deb Baker & Emily Ashton
We have also introduced a lunchtime Teaching Forum hosted by Pip Penney which will give you the chance to talk through any teaching issues you may have.
CCCBR Recruitment & Retention – Sunday 15 March
Continuing last year’s successful partnership with the CCCBR, the second day of the conference is organised by the Volunteer and Leadership Workgroup. With a focus on recruitment and retention, they will look at how to look after your new ringers so that they blossom and enjoy their new hobby. Hearing from recent recruits, sharing ideas, initiatives and experience through grouped activities will provide you with ideas to take your recruitment and retention plans forward.
ART Awards
And don’t forget the ART Awards Ceremony in the early evening. Help us celebrate and reward the great things that ringing teachers and leaders are doing to secure the future of ringing.